Attendance in school is important. All children are expected to be in attendance each day unless they are ill. The school day is divided into two parts; AM and PM. Students should be counted in attendance for 1/2 day if they attend a portion of the morning or afternoon. If students arrive in the AM before the 1/2 day time limit (11 AM), they are counted for a full attendance day. The same applies if a student leaves school early. Students who are picked up early must checked out through the front office. A photo identification will be required to check out students.
Excused Absences
- Personal illness (3 or more consecutive days requires documented medical or dental appointments)
- Hospitalizations
- Bereavement
- Service as a page during state legislature sessions
- Religious holiday
Please be advised that even though the state provides the above excused absences, student absences do count against the student and the school. When a student is ill, a phone call from the parent/guardian is required by 9:00 AM of that day. A 24 hour absence voicemail line is also available at 317-988-6650. If a child becomes ill or injured during the school day, the parent/guardian will be notified by the school nurse. Missed school work will be given to the student when they return to school following the absence. When a student has accumulated 10 excused absences, he/she is considered excessively absent. Any further absence requires a doctor’s statement.
Attendance Awards
If a student attends every day that school is in session and is present for every minute of every session (no tardies or early releases), he/she shall be awarded a PERFECT ATTENDANCE AWARD. A student will qualify for an OUTSTANDING ATTENDANCE AWARD if he/she has no more than a total of 6 tardies or early release days for the year.
Late Arrival/Tardiness To School
Students are tardy after 7:30 AM and are to report to the office to sign-in before going to their classroom. All tardies after 11:00 will be charged with a half day absence.
Excessive Tardies
When a child has been tardy 10 times, the parent will receive a letter of notice from the school. If tardies continue to accumulate, the family may be referred to the MSD of Wayne Township Truancy Court. Please avoid Truancy Court by getting your children to school on time, every day.
Unexcused Absences
All absences without parent notification or documentation will be counted as unexcused. Maplewood will issue letters to parents when a student has 3, 5, and 10 days of unexcused absences. When 10 days of unexcused absences have accumulated, the student’s attendance will be referred by letter to the Marion County Prosecutor’s office through Truancy Court.
Family Vacations
Absences due to family vacations taken during the school year will be counted as unexcused absences. MSD Wayne Township does not encourage students to miss the classroom instruction or assignments, but will work with families to limit hardships on the students. It is requested that parents/guardians notify the school prior to the vacation. All missed assignments must be completed within five (5) school days of the return from the absence.
Temporary Withdrawal From School
Any student absent from school for non-medical reasons for a period of 10 consecutive school attendance days will be temporarily withdrawn from school from the first day of the absence. Upon their return, the student must be re-enrolled by the Parent/Guardian