Student Handbook

2023-24 Student Handbook

Dear Maplewood Families,

It is the time of year again when we all get excited about the beginning of the school year. The Maplewood staff would like to welcome all of you to what we are sure will be an outstanding school year. Our main goal is to provide quality education for your child. It is vital that home and school have a collaborative relationship and open lines of communication. Learning occurs when the school, the family, and the student work together! The teachers and staff members at Maplewood are committed to doing their part to achieve success for each child.

Mr. Grimes and I are excited about all of the learning opportunities for our students. We believe providing all students a curriculum that is rich in academics and experiences will help all students to become well educated members of society.

We know that communication between home and school will be critical. Please monitor your ParentSquare account and the district website. Follow the Wayne Township Facebook page and Twitter account, as well as @MWEwayne to keep up with all the great things that happen at Maplewood and in our community. The deep partnerships that develop between home and school help to ensure the success of all of our students!

Mrs. Julie Moore, Principal

Wayne Mission Statement
Provide multiple opportunities for learning, that meet or exceed the present and future goals and aspirations of our students, in partnership with our community.


  • Everyone can learn and will learn more than he or she does now when engaged in compelling, high quality work (school, vocation or avocation).
  • All learners (children through lifelong adulthood) need options for success in a rapidly changing society
  • Our schools and community support what is necessary for future learner successes.
  • The members of our schools and community who thrive the most are those who continually improve their knowledge, skills and concern for effective learning and relationships, and model that to others.
  • We learn best in safe, orderly, caring and democratic environments with adequate, essential resources.

Maplewood Mission Statement
The Staff and Administration of Maplewood Elementary are dedicated to achieving and maintaining:

  • A safe, orderly and non-threatening environment that is developmentally appropriate and organized for optimum achievement;
  • Effective two-way communication that assists and encourages parents to play an active role in monitoring and supporting the academic achievement of their children;
  • Focus on leadership and life skills that help students learn to work together with others in a cooperative effort, to appreciate the contributions and worth of other cultures and to accept individual differences;
  • Development of creative, critical thinking and problem solving skills necessary for the twenty-first century.

All student information can be found on Skyward. Parents login to Skyward to check contact information and make updates, and to view students’ Grade Report and assignments.

Download and set up the Mobile App. Parents can contact their teacher to get their username and password. Students can use the same username and password to login to their accounts.

Skyward Mobile App Setup for Apple/Android Devices
Search for “Skyward” at the App Store or Google Play and install it
Once installed, please set up a 4 digit passcode
Then add an account (menu top right hand corner)

Find our school district By Postal Code, enter a Wayne zip code 46241, for example and then select MSD of Wayne Township

Select the appropriate system. Then enter your credentials( Username, password, name of school (optional) Click on “Save icon”. The user needs to login on a regular computer before accessing the app.

Parent Square
Parent Square is a safe, secure platform for communication between home and school. All district, school and class notifications are sent through ParentSquare. You can receive notifications through email, text message or on the app. Download the ParentSquare app on your smartphone for easy access to information.

Social Media
Follow school and district news and events on the @MWEwayne and @WayneTwpSchools twitter, the MSD of Wayne Township Facebook page and website.

Safe Schools Alert
You and your child can easily report tips on bullying, harassment, drugs, vandalism, threats of violence, or any safety issue you’re concerned about through SafeSchools Alert.
When you submit a tip, be sure to use our district’s identification code: 1866 in your communication. Use one of these 5 ways to report a concern:

  1. Download the“SafeSchools Alert”
  2. Phone: 317.653.6815
  3. Text: Text your tip to 317.653.6815
  4. Email:
  5. Web:

The policy for enrollment, which follows state guidelines, is as follows:

  1. Children entering Kindergarten must be five (5) years of age on or before August 1st.
  2. Parents/Guardians must be legal residents of the MSD Wayne Township or be granted an Out of District School Transfer approval.
  3. Parents/Guardians shall submit the following documents.
    • Birth Certificate
    • Current immunization records
    • Two (2) proofs of residency
    • Custody papers, if appropriate
  4. Parents will need to be able to show a valid picture ID for proof of legal guardianship.

The student’s day begins at 7:30 AM and ends at 2:20 PM Monday through Friday. Our Pre-Kindergarten classes convene at 8:30 AM and dismiss at 2:00 PM. It is important that parents be on time when picking up or dropping off their child. Students are not allowed to be in the building before the busses arrive. Due to the unavailability of assigned supervisory personnel, students walking or dropped off at the school will not be allowed in the school building before 7:15 AM and only in designated areas. Car rider drop off is at the south side of the building. Drop off time begins at 7:15 AM and ends at 7:30 AM. We ask that you let your child exit your vehicle as soon as you turn the corner and are parallel to the sidewalk. Maplewood staff will supervise them as they walk down the sidewalk and enter the building. For the safety of our students, please do not leave your child unattended at the south doors before 7:15 AM. If you arrive after 7:30 AM, you will be directed to the front of the building where a parent will need to check in at the office.

In the event of severe weather, snow, ice, fog, low temperatures, or mechanical failure or early dismissal, the official closing of school will be announced over local radio and television stations and the Internet PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL OR ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES.

Attendance Policy
Attendance is critical to the success of your child in school. All children are expected to be in attendance each day unless they are ill. The school day is divided into two parts; AM and PM. Students should be counted in attendance for 1/2 day if they attend a portion of the morning or afternoon. If students arrive in the AM before the 1/2 day time limit (11 AM), they are counted for a full attendance day. The same applies if a student leaves school early. Students who are picked up early must checked out through the front office. A photo identification will be required to check out students.

Excused Absences

  • Personal illness (3 or more consecutive days requires documented medical or dental appointments)
  • Hospitalizations
  • Bereavement
  • Service as a page during state legislature sessions
  • Religious holiday

Please be advised that even though the state provides the above excused absences, student absences do count against the student and the school. When a student is ill, a phone call from the parent/guardian is required by 9:00 AM of that day. A 24 hour absence voicemail line is also available at 317-988-6650. If a child becomes ill or injured during the school day, the parent/guardian will be notified by the school nurse. Missed school work will be given to the student when they return to school following the absence. When a student has accumulated 10 excused absences, he/she is considered excessively absent. Any further absence requires a doctor’s statement.

Attendance Awards
If a student attends every day that school is in session and is present for every minute of every session (no tardies or early releases), he/she shall be awarded a PERFECT ATTENDANCE AWARD. A student will qualify for an OUTSTANDING ATTENDANCE AWARD if he/she has no more than a total of 6 tardies or early release days for the year.

Late Arrival/Tardiness To School
Students are tardy after 7:30 AM and are to report to the office to sign-in before going to their classroom. All tardies after 11:00 will be charged with a half day absence.

Excessive Tardies
When a child has been tardy 10 times, the parent will receive a letter of notice from the school. If tardies continue to accumulate, the family may be referred to the MSD of Wayne Township Truancy Court. Please avoid Truancy Court by getting your children to school on time, every day.

Unexcused Absences
All absences without parent notification or documentation will be counted as unexcused. Maplewood will issue letters to parents when a student has 3, 5, and 10 days of unexcused absences. When 10 days of unexcused absences have accumulated, the student’s attendance will be referred by letter to the Marion County Prosecutor’s office through Truancy Court.

Family Vacations
Absences due to family vacations taken during the school year will be counted as unexcused absences. MSD Wayne Township does not encourage students to miss the classroom instruction or assignments, but will work with families to limit hardships on the students. It is requested that parents/guardians notify the school prior to the vacation. All missed assignments must be completed within five (5) school days of the return from the absence.

Temporary Withdrawal From School
Any student absent from school for non-medical reasons for a period of 10 consecutive school attendance days will be temporarily withdrawn from school from the first day of the absence. Upon their return, the student must be re-enrolled by the Parent/Guardian

Withdrawal From School
Parent/Guardians withdrawing students from school should report to the office before withdrawing their child.

Early Release
Students are not permitted to leave the school or grounds from the time they arrive in the morning until they are dismissed in the afternoon without specific permission from the school office. Permission will be granted upon the receipt of a note or phone call requesting such action from the Parent/Guardian. Safety and well being is our first concern for our students. Parents/Guardians are required to sign out in the office all children who are leaving the building during the school day. This includes students leaving due to illness.

Change In Dismissal Procedures
If the Parent/Guardian wishes that their child goes home a different way than to their home or sitter, a note must be written in advance to the teacher and bus driver. The building administrator or designee must receive or approve these changes. If this procedure is not followed, the student will be sent home in the regular manner. Changes to a student’s transportation home should be made by 2:00 PM at 371-988-6600

Bus Riders
Parents are encouraged to download the Here’s the Bus app to track their child’s buses daily route. The bus is an extension of the classroom and your full cooperation is needed in order to ensure student safety and well being. The building administrator or designee has the authority to revoke this privilege from those who continually disobey the rules.

Car Riders
Arrival: Car Rider drop-off is in the south parking lot from 7:15– 7:30 AM. All cars will enter at the south west Dunlap Ave. entrance. Cars will proceed to the south parking lot and form a double line that travels around the perimeter of the parking lot until it reaches the turn (at the former Minnesota St entrance). When the single line reaches the sidewalk in front of the building, students exit their cars on the right and enter the building.

Dismissal: All cars will enter at the south west Dunlap Ave. entrance. The lot will open at 1:45 PM. Cars will proceed to the south parking lot and form a double line that travels around the perimeter of the parking lot until it reaches the turn (at the former Minnesota St entrance). At this point, cars will alternate in a single line as they turn left and line up along the sidewalk. Every car is assigned a numbered card for dismissal. Parents are to give the number to school staff before your children will be released. Children will not be allowed to walk through parked cars or cross a busy street for their dismissal.

If your student is a walker, they are to enter the school in the morning at the main entrance. At dismissal they will be escorted across Dunlap Ave and to the boundary of the school property at Phillips Drive. Parents are asked to utilize the Car Rider line if they intend to pick up their child using a vehicle.

Student Bicycle
In accordance with School Board Policy C475, parents may request their child ride a bicycle to and from school under the following guidelines:

  • Permission is granted from the building level administrator.
  • The student resides in the “walker” area of school.
  • A helmet is worn while riding the bicycle.
  • The bicycle is locked with a lock provided by owner. The school district is not responsible in case of theft or damage to the bicycle while it is on school property. Failure to follow the above guidelines may result in suspension of bicycle riding privileges and/or other disciplinary actions, as appropriate.

The grading periods are nine weeks in length, two each semester. The dates for the closing of each grading period are published on the school calendar. Report cards will be distributed within five (5) school days after the end of the grading period.

Grade Level Standards Scoring Guide Percent Based Letter Grade Description of Achievement Level on the Applicable Standards
Exemplary 4 100 A+ The student demonstrates mastery at or above the 90% level on the appropriate state standards.
93-99 A
90-92 A-
Proficient 3 87-89 B+ The student demonstrates mastery at or above the 80% level on the appropriate state standards.
83-86 B
80-82 B-
Progressing 2 77-79 C+ The student demonstrates mastery at or above the 65% level on the appropriate state standards.
73-76 C
70-72 C-
Not Progressing 65-69 D Student is Below Mastery
Not Yet Meeting Standard 1 Below 70 F* The grade of F indicates that the student did not demonstrate achievement at or above the 64% level on the appropriate state standards.

The following guidelines will be used to determine Honor Roll.

  • First through sixth grade students participate in Honor Roll
  • All grades, except handwriting, will be counted toward
    the Honor Roll. Special class grades will be included when they are assessed at the end of each semester.
  • Students receiving all “A’s” will be eligible for the “A” Honor Roll.
  • Students receiving all “A’s & B’s” will be eligible for the “A-B” Honor Roll.

Parent conferences for all students are scheduled in the fall; however, individual conferences may be scheduled upon re- quest. Teachers will be available from 2:30 to 3:10 p.m. daily. Contact should be made directly with the teacher involved by letter, note, or phone call with a confirmation of time and place.

Students who are learning English as a new language may qualify for our Language Assistance Program (LAP). The school will provide a screening to determine the student’s comprehension of the English language. Recommendations for your child’s participation in this program is based on the outcome of the assessment and then placement is made accordingly.

Library books are the property of Wayne Township. They should be used with care and returned to the Media Center or classroom in good condition. It is not acceptable for students to loan books to others. Parents/guardians are responsible for their student’s books, and will be charged for books which are lost, stolen, or damaged beyond use.

Students in Grades, 3, 4, 5, and 6 will be issued a ChromeBook. This is the property of the district and any damage to the Chromebook is paid by families. Insurance is also available. Chromebooks are used daily for academic instruction. Students must follow the accepted us policy when using the ChromeBooks.

The MSD of Wayne Township HOSTS program (Helping One Student To Succeed) is a structured, mentoring program that provides early intervention for students who need help in reading. HOSTS is a 30-minute tutoring session that targets 3rd and 4th grade students. HOSTS mentors work with students on comprehension, vocabulary, and reading skills. Our HOSTS facilitator prepares the lessons and monitors daily mentoring sessions. Parents can volunteer by contacting the HOSTS facilitator, attending a training session, and completing a background check. If you are interested, please call 317-988-6629.

Field trips are part of the school curriculum. Students must have a signed parent permission slip and pay any requested fee in order to attend. The signed form must be turned in before the day of the trip. Parents may be asked by the teacher to chaperone field trips. In addition, a teacher may request that a parent attend to supervise their child for his/her safety. In both cases, a background check must be completed. Official forms are available from the school office. Siblings may not accompany the parent on the trip.

School board policies and school procedures will be followed by
students, parents, chaperones, and teachers on all field trips. For a field trip that extends past the normal school hours, there will be an additional form to complete if your child has a health issue. This provides the needed information for chaperones so they can be aware if medication will need to be taken while on the field trip.

Birthday party celebrations are to be planned in advance with the classroom teacher by parents wishing to bring non-food treats to be passed out at the end of the school day. The school does not allow homemade treats or permit flowers, balloons, etc., to be delivered to students during the school day. Three holiday celebrations are planned during the school year; Fall, Winter, and Valentine’s Day.

The Metropolitan School District of Wayne Township is committed to providing an environment that is the most beneficial for a student’s safety and learning. A broad-based committee of parents, teachers, students, and administrators developed the following guidelines which were approved by the Wayne Township School Board. They were designed to reflect the Wayne Township Community Values. These guidelines are consistent with the Student Code of Conduct Rules for the MSD of Wayne Township.

No article of clothing, tattoo, or accessory may contain language or graphic representations depicting or promoting the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, showing gang affiliation, or encouraging gang activity, violence, or sexual activity. These guidelines are provided to assist students and their families in recognizing what is acceptable in Wayne Township schools. Please contact your student’s principal for further clarification and requests for special circumstance exemptions.

  • Safe shoes for recess
  • No sunglasses
  • No hats or hoods
  • No visible undergarments or pajamas
  • All shirts and tops must cover the stomach and back

Due to the disruptive nature and the possibility of damage or theft, certain items are not permitted to be brought to school. Examples include, but are not limited to: gum, candy, tobacco products, alcohol, headphones, radios, disc players, hand held games, weapons, toys that are disruptive to instruction and those which resemble weapons, lasers, and handcuffs. If a student would choose to bring these items for unauthorized use, they will be confiscated. The parent may come to school to claim the item. Any unclaimed items at the end of the school year will be destroyed.

Emergency drills are necessary for the safety of the students, staff, and faculty. Everyone should know the specific directions for reaching a point of safety from those areas of the school building in which he/she may be. Specific information is posted in each area. Order, safety, and speed are essential during these drills.

Fire Drills
All students and faculty exit the school quickly and safely. Fire drills are conducted every month of the year.

Tornado Drills
All students and faculty move to a ground floor interior room or hallway. Tornado drills are practiced twice each semester.

Lockdown Drills
Hallways and common areas are cleared. Lockdown drills are practiced once each semester.

Earthquake Drills
All students take cover under a desk or table. Once a signal is given, students evacuate the building.

School phones are for official school business. Students may request the use of the phone to call home for emergencies. Forgetting homework is not considered an emergency. Parents are not to call students or to have students return calls during school hours unless it’s an emergency. A message may be taken for the student and delivered before the dismissal of the school day.

Maplewood Elementary School discourages students from bringing their cell phones to school. On a day-to-day basis they are very disruptive to the educational environment. These disruptions come in several forms. Ringing cell phones distract all students in the class from the lesson. Text messages have been used for cheating and to plan inappropriate activities on school grounds. Cell phones with cameras have been used to take inappropriate pictures.

The Wayne Township policy on cell phones states that students must have prior approval to carry a cell phone at school. If approval is granted, the cell phone must be turned off during the school day. Please consider carefully whether or not your child needs to bring a cell phone to school.

Review the cell phone contract below If you wish your child to bring a cell phone to school, you must complete a contract and return it to school. Cell phone contracts may be obtained from the school office and will remain on file for the school year or until it is revoked due to non-compliance of the contract.

Our nurse is responsible for the overall good health of our students. If a student is sent to the clinic and needs to go home, the nurse makes every effort to contact the parent or guardian to have the student picked up. It is imperative that the school has current contact information and health issues on file at all times not only for illness, but for emergency situations.

Medical Guidelines
If your child is sent home with a fever (100 degrees or higher), it is required that your child be fever free for 24 hours without the administration of any fever reducing medications such as Tylenol, ibuprofen, etc. If your child is sent home for vomiting, it is required your child stay home until vomiting has stopped for 24 hours. If you have any questions regarding the return of your child to school following an illness please call 988-6686. It is still your responsibility to notify the school of any absences. Due to the volume of students that visit the clinic, calls for each visit are usually not made unless deemed necessary by the nurse or arrangements are made. The nurse is available during school hours and welcomes calls pertaining to your child/children’s health. You may reach the nurse with health concerns at 988-6686.

Medication Guidelines
Medication guidelines are consistent with Indiana Law. All medications sent to school must be in the original containers from the pharmacy. Ask the pharmacist for a “school bottle”. The bottle must be labeled with prescription information just like your original bottle. A permission note from a parent or guardian must accompany all prescription and non-prescription medications. All non- prescription medications must be in their original container. The permission form can be found in the enrollment folder or call the nurse for one. Medication can only be released to the student’s parent, or an individual at least 18 years of age (with written parent permission), or the elementary student (with a completed Wayne medication permission form that indicates the child may transport the medication home). Student medications will be disposed of at the end of the school year, if not picked-up by a parent/guardian.

Head Lice
Head Lice
can be a problem among school children. Students suspected of having head lice are sent to the nurse’s office for screening. Students may remain in class as long as the family has spoken with the nurse and is actively working on treatment. It is our goal to keep the student in school and not lose any learning time due to this problem.

Bed Bugs
Bed Bugs Cimex lectularius, commonly known as bed bugs, is an invasion of a type of bug. Bed bugs do not have wings and can’t fly or jump. Bed bugs lurk in cracks and crevices and they’ve been living on human blood for centuries. Though they aren’t known to transmit disease or pose any serious medical risk, the stubborn parasites can leave itchy and unsightly bites. Since bed bugs are not known to transmit disease, students should not be excluded from school due to bed bugs. Students may be screened periodically by the school nurse as needed. Jackets, clothing, backpacks and shoes may be inspected or laundered depending upon each individual case. Parents will be notified and educated regarding prevention and treatment.

Safe Visitor
software is used in each building to provide a safe environment. Please make sure you have your I.D. ready to scan upon arrival. All visitors are asked to enter through the front door and report to the office. Visitors must sign in and receive a guest pass to go beyond the reception area.

Classroom Visitation
Parents are always welcome to visit the school. However, an appointment should always be made with the teacher in order to have a conference. By scheduling an appointment to discuss student progress and concerns, we are not disrupting classroom instruction. If parents need to speak with their child during the school day, we will be happy to call your child to the office and find a private location for you to converse.

Lunch With Your Child
When visiting our school for lunch, please remember that fast food and soft drinks are not allowed in the cafeteria. There will be a separate seating arrangement for you to enjoy lunch with YOUR child. Due to space and student privacy needs, students may not invite friends with them when they eat with their family. At the conclusion of lunch, adults exit the office to turn in their visitor badge and be checked out of the building. Adults will not be permitted to leave the office area.

The school cafeteria is maintained for the student’s nutritional benefit. Breakfast and lunch are served daily to all students at no cost. An individual account is established for students in grade 4 to grade 6 that is maintained by our cafeteria manager for the purchase of extra items at lunch. Deposits to a student’s account may be made daily, weekly, or monthly. Parents/Guardians are notified by an automated calling system when accounts become low or in the negative. Questions regarding our breakfast or lunch program may be directed to our cafeteria manager, Kathy Crisp, at 317-988-6687.

Student Breakfast FREE
Adult Breakfast $1.75
Student Lunch FREE
Adult Lunch $3.25
Extra Milk $0.50

Applications for assistance with lunches must be completed each year online. In order for Maplewood to receive adequate funding, we ask ALL families to fill out the application every year.

All Students are expected to follow the building and classroom behavioral expectations. The school wide procedures are designed so that students are taught to be responsible, kind and respectful, and make safe choices in all areas of the building and at all times. Teachers teach and reinforce these procedures and provide incentives for students who follow these expectations daily.

Second Step Program
This program teaches our students skills for social, emotional and academic success in school and in life. The main themes of the program are: Welcoming, Skills for Learning, Empathy, Emotion Management, Problem Solving and Friendship Skills. Students engage in weekly lessons to learn and apply these skills daily. Parents receive communications and are encouraged to reinforce this learning at home.

Four Level Student Management Plan
MSD of Wayne Township abides by all local, state, and national laws regarding discipline and due process. An acceptance of the responsibility for personal acts shall be expected of each student. In most disciplinary actions, the teacher will handle the problem. In the most severe cases, the school administrator or designee may have to consider appropriate consequences. Please read and discuss the Four Level Student Management Plan and the reinforce the importance of appropriate behavior with your student.

Level 1: Student behavior is handled by the classroom teacher. In the classroom a student will be given a verbal warning before they reach a Level 1. A Level 1 referral could result in a loss of recess time or other classroom privileges, including:

  • Not following directions the first time given
  • Disrespect to staff or other students
  • Negative attitude
  • Inappropriate language
  • Bullying

Restorative practices are both a preventative and responsive method to conflict resolution. It focuses on building, maintaining or feeding, and repairing relationships, as a means to developing community. The restorative practices philosophy seeks to understand the “why” behind a behavior, while also building both agency and community through open dialogue and collaboration.

As teachers, we play an integral part of developing a classroom culture focused on relationships, respect, responsibility, repairing harm, and reintegrating students in a welcoming manner back into our classrooms. Students should be intentionally taught social-emotional competencies including: emotional regulation, the ability to empathize and take others’ perspectives, effective communication with peers and adults, responsible decision making, conflict resolution strategies, and a growth mindset.

Proactive community circles are a foundational proactive and responsive practice in building a restorative culture and should occur regularly. Circles provide a safe and supportive environment where students can share about their own experiences, worth through their differences, and develop deeper relationships with students and educators. Moreover, it invites equality of opportunity in sharing power and responsibility.

Conflict Resolution Strategies:
When conflicts occur, there are several restorative approaches to help guide students and staff towards restitution.

Affective Language:

  • Affective statements are a way to let others know how their actions affect you and others. Such statements usually take the form of: “When you___, I felt ____ because____.”
  • Affective questions are a way for educators to gain insight into the “why” or root behind the behavior. They also provide a reflective process for both students and adults to think critically about how to solve the problem at hand.

Responsive Circles:
Oftentimes, responsive circles occur when there is a classroom conflict or when a problem has impacted many students in the classroom. The educator acts as a facilitator, guiding students through the conflict, the harm caused, what needs to happen to make things right, and a plan for moving forward. An unbiased facilitator is essential for leading participants through affective questions with the use of the restorative chat card.

Restorative Conferences:

  • Restorative conferences are used to address significant problems that require a larger investment of time and energy to resolve. When done effectively, restorative conferences should only account for 5% or less of school-wide restorative practices plan. Such conferences usually involve the person harmed, the person causing the harm, educators affected by the incident, and family or community members with significant roles in the students’ lives. A facilitator meets with both sides beforehand, ensuring all understand the process of the conversation and that the person causing harm is ready to accept responsibility.
  • The restorative conference agreement form is a useful tool for both discussion and creating a plan for moving forward.
  • A reintegration plan might also be needed to assist in helping a student assimilate back into a welcoming environment, especially if he/she missed school time for a suspension or expulsion. Such plans might include:
      • Rehearsing with the student how he/she might respond when prompted by others about the situation,
      • Preparing the student to take responsibility for his/her actions with a class,
      • Identifying a trusted adult to whom the student can strengthen a relationship, and/or
      • scheduling check-ins with the student to reduce recurrences and build stronger relationships.

Level 2: Student will spend a time-out period in another classroom. The teacher and/or student will contact the parent/ guardian to explain the reason for the Level 2 referral. Level 2 misbehaviors may include:

  • Repeated Level 1 offenses
  • Not keeping hands, feet, or objects to themselves
  • Being untruthful
  • Being defiant or refusing to comply
  • Inappropriate language
  • Aggressive refusal to participate

Level 3: Student will be referred to a Level 3 Case Manager. The Case Manager is responsible for helping the student with amending his/her behavior so he/she can return to the classroom and be successful. The teacher will make contact with the parent/ guardian to explain the Level 3 referral and consequences of the misbehavior. Level 3 misbehaviors may include:

  • Repeated Level 2 offenses
  • Defacing or damaging personal or the property of others
  • Threats/Harassment

Level 4: Student will be referred to a school administrator. Parents will be notified by the administrator and informed of the student behavior and the consequence. Communication and support between the parent/guardian and the school is essential. Level 4 misbehaviors may include:

  • Repeated Level 3 offenses
  • Fighting/Physical aggression
  • Severe threats/harassment
  • Leaving the classroom or school building without permission
  • Theft
  • Weapons or drugs
  • Abusive/inappropriate language

If your student receives an Incident Report for misconduct on the bus, they may receive an Incident Report explaining the misbehavior that was witnessed by the bus driver. Upon receipt of the Incident Report by an administrator, some consequences may be put into effect which could include any of the following:

A written acknowledgement and an apology to the driver and/ others will be made by the student when appropriate.

  • Detention
  • Loss of at school privileges (Administrative decision)
  • Assigned to another bus stop (Transportation Department approved)
  • Denied privilege of bus use until a parent conference,
  • Denied privilege of bus use for two (2) to five (5) days
  • Denied privilege of bus use until parent/student conference with transportation personnel present. Building administration will initiate the meeting. Further action will be cooperatively determined by the building-level administration and transportation.
  • Conference with the Transportation Department. The parent and the student must be willing to demonstrate, by improved behavior, that the student is ready to obey the rules.
  • The Transportation Department, in conjunction with the building level administrator, will decide when the student may resume bus use or if other measures should be taking
  • Denied privilege of bus use until parent initiates a will be made by the student when appropriate.
  • Denied privilege of bus use for the remainder of the year.
  • Out-of-School Suspension

Note: All students are subject to the rules and regulations of the MSD Wayne Township. Administrators have the option of using one of the options listed above or using other appropriate disciplinary action.

The Maplewood School Community is committed to making our school a safe and caring environment for all students. We will treat each other with respect and refuse to accept bullying of any kind. All families will receive a copy of the Anti-Bullying Contract to sign yearly.

Bullying is defined as: acts by anyone in the school community by themselves or with others with the intent to harass, ridicule, humiliate, intimidate, or harm someone else. Bullying behaviors include the following:

  • Hurting someone physically by hitting, kicking, tripping, or pushing
  • Stealing or damaging another person’s things
  • Ganging up on someone
  • Teasing someone in a hurtful way
  • Using put-downs, such as insulting someone’s race or making fun of someone for being a boy or a girl
  • Touching or showing private body parts
  • Spreading rumors or untruths about someone
  • Leaving someone out on purpose, or trying to get other kids not to play with someone

Students at Maplewood will do the following things to prevent bullying:

  • Treat each other respectfully
  • Refuse to bully others
  • Refuse to let others be bullied
  • Refuse to watch, laugh, or join in when someone is being bullied
  • Try to include everyone in play, especially those who are often left out
  • Report bullying to an adult

Teachers and staff at Maplewood will do the following things to prevent bullying and help children feel safe at school:

    • Closely supervise students in all areas of the school and playground
    • Watch for signs of bullying and stop it when it happens.
    • Respond quickly and sensitively to bullying reports using the Four-A- Response process (Affirm Feelings, Ask Questions, Assess Safety, and Act by coaching child on what to do in the future).
    • Look into all reported bullying incidents.

Violation Of The Anti-Bullying Practice
Depending on the severity and nature of the incident, Maplewood will take one or more of the following steps when bullying occurs:

      • A teacher, principal, or staff member will demand that the behavior immediate stops and reinforce to the student that bullying will not be tolerated. During this meeting with the student, the staff member will redirect the student and come up with a plan for success, in case they find themselves in a similar situation in the future.
      • School staff will notify the parents of involved students. The parents might be asked to meet with the principal or other members of the school staff, including the student’s teacher and/or the school counselor.
      • The student may be required to write a letter of apology to the student who was bullied. Depending upon the nature of the incident, the students involved may meet to help resolve the problem and ensure it does not happen again.
      • The student may meet with the school counselor to help prevent future violations.
      • The student may serve one or more days of detention during recess, or lose school privileges.
      • In cases of severe or repeated bullying, the student may be suspended under school board policies

Maplewood Elementary School
1643 Dunlap Ave
Indianapolis, IN 46241

School Office


24 HR Absent



Cafeteria Manager

Bus Transportation


Monday, July 24 Teacher Workday (District Staff Development, No students)
Tuesday, July 25 Teacher Workday (District Staff Development, No students)
Wednesday, July 26 Pre-K, Preschool, Grades K-12 Students Full Day
Monday, September 4 Labor Day (No School)
Friday, September 29 END OF FIRST GRADING PERIOD (47 DAYS)
Week of Oct. 2 – Oct. 6 Parent/Teacher Conferences
Mon. Oct. 9 – Fri. Oct. 20 Pre-K, Preschool, Grades K-12 Fall Recess (No School)
Tuesday, November 7 Pre-K, Preschool, Grades K-12 No School (Staff Development Day)
Wed. – Fri., Nov. 22 – 24 Thanksgiving Recess (No School)
Friday, December 22 END OF FIRST SEMESTER (93 DAYS)
Mon., Dec. 25 – Fri., Jan. 5 Winter Recess (No School)
Monday, January 8 Staff Returns From Winter Recess (Building Staff Development, No Students)
Tuesday, January 9 Pre-K, Preschool, Grades K-12 Students Return From Winter Recess – SECOND SEMESTER BEGINS
Monday, January 15 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (No School)
Monday, February 19 Presidents’ Day (No School)
Mon., Mar. 18 – Fri., Mar. 29 Spring Recess (No School)
Monday, May 27 Memorial Day (No School)
Wednesday, May 29 END OF SECOND SEMESTER (89 DAYS) (Pre-K – Grade 11 Last Day)
Thursday, May 30 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL (Teacher Workday, No Students)

Possible make-up days will occur in the following order if cancellation of school occurs:
2 Maximum
No Make-up Days
5 Maximum
eLearning Days
8 or more
5 or more days prior to the possible make-up day:

  • January 15 – Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
  • February 19 – Presidents’ Day
  • May 27 – Memorial Day
  • May 29 – Last Day of School